by Maria Rotger


Gastronomical translation service

Gastronomy is the core of every country and culture around the world, hence the relevance of our gastronomical translation service.

Through discovering and tasting international food, one can experience total cultural immersion. That is where gastronomical translation becomes more relevant.

Culinary translation

Culinary translation is critical in the global foodie world, and it’s one of our significant areas of specialized translation.

In the world of gastronomy, it’s essential to have an understanding of the following:

  • the products
  • the local farming process
  • the local specialties
  • the preparation process

We must know gastronomy principles to create elaborate flavors and essential nutrients.

Restaurant menu translation is one of the most requested translation services worldwide.

Understanding the relationship between food and culture is an optimal factor for business, tourism, and much more.

Gastronomy opens the door to a world of discovering, researching, and writing about a particular culture and plays an essential role within society.

specialized translation

Indeed, cultural and culinary translation is a type of technical translation.

Because in texts relating to cuisine, such as:

  • restaurant menus,
  • food reviews,
  • recipes,
  • or any other text linked to the cooking world,

➤ it is necessary not only to pay close attention to how content is carried over from the original language into the target language, but it is also essential to bear in mind crucial aspects, such as the fact that in gastronomic translations, we find untranslatable terms.

Automotive engineering translation

Description instead of translation

With culinary translations, it is often necessary to provide a description instead of a translation.

That is especially the case with traditional dishes from a specific culture

It also applies to innovative recipes

Where one needs to explain clearly:

  • the process
  • the new techniques
  • and ingredients

As well as other factors that are often unclear and may even be unfamiliar and new to the general public.

Gastronomic translation for restaurants

In the case of restaurant translation, it is essential to avoid awkward situations where staff face the headache of having to explain dishes to every foreign client.

A simple or literal translation of the menu does not enable people to understand what it means. You will undoubtedly be familiar with this situation.

Part of the image of an establishment

At SIGNEWORDS, we respond to your need as business people to present a good image of yourselves through your words and expressions.

When it comes to gastronomic establishments, whether:

  • restaurants,
  • hotels,
  • cruises,
  • or any premises that serve cuisine,

it is necessary to very carefully consider how the food is presented and how it is described, which is a vital part of the overall presentation.

Academic translations

Translation services for gastronomic publications

Gastronomic translation for publications refers to texts such as:

  • recipe books
  • websites
  • educational culinary handbooks
  • documentaries and reports of gastronomic journeys travel where cuisine forms part of the trip
  • articles in specialized and general magazines
  • television and radio programs
  • as well as slots on such programs

Cultural translation

The list is very long, and this is an exciting world that belongs to every culture worldwide.

It is necessary to know how to appreciate it with full respect to translate it into different languages—a process that enables us to connect with other cultures that may be very different but which ultimately come together through a passion for concepts like:

  • good food
  • healthy ingredients
  • quality wine
  • craft beer
  • special beverages
  • and many other possibilities

Gastronomy, Wine, and Beverages

The winemaking process has always been part of the development of different cultures.

The history of wine goes back several centuries ago, and as demand increased, an increase in wine production and consumption around the world has taken place.

The wine was connected to enjoyment and fulfilment and served as a nutritional component. Where does our relationship with wine lie today?

Modern-day science and technology changed the course of wine production over the years.

From wine pairings and production to the preservation of vineyards, wine serves an essential role in the world of gastronomy.

Culinary and winemaking have evolved together over time, and more and more, we are seeing local foods being paired with local wines.

Today, in hospitality and events, you can find that wine plays a large part in:

  • pairings
  • winery visits
  • restaurants

Types of beer

In addition to wine, we are beginning to see a rise in breweries and distilleries as beer producers find ways to pair certain flavors with different types of food.

Mainly in the Northern regions of Europe and the USA, but in many other places as well, specialty craft beers are constantly being produced.

Gastronomic translation for healthy food and nutrition

Throughout the history of gastronomy, the aim of healthy food, a healthy balanced diet, or a low-calorie diet is to avoid vitamin deficiency and increase health.

How does the rise of new ingredients and technologies impact the evolution of gastronomy? How does the food calorie chart evolve?

We understand health differently than before, and gastronomy has taken a dramatic turn in adapting to the consumer.

Each consumer’s nutritional intake varies from person to person and takes into account the following:

  • genetics
  • metabolism
  • needs
  • cultural aspects

With a consumer-first approach, the relationship between gastronomy and nutrition is becoming more personalized to fit the needs of each individual, from dietary restrictions to sustainable nutrition choices.

Gastronomic translation

Everyday situations related to gastronomic translation

Food tourism or culinary tourism serves as an element of attraction in most tourist destinations, as travelers come readily excited to feed their wanderlust.

That has been a trend in tourism for quite some time now and will continue to rise.

Enjoyers and experiencers alike want to partake in a culture’s cuisine and ask many questions along the way that require detailed answers.

The development of gastronomic marketing and advertising campaigns targeted towards an international audience, to lure them in to experience all that a particular region has to offer, must be presented so as to be fully understood.

Global food is a well-researched term on the web

People are curious to learn the tips and techniques of modern and traditional international cuisines to introduce into their homes.

Social media plays a big part in exposing the world to a new wave of knowledge about gastronomy with a simple search for a #hashtag.

Social media to visually explore the world’s gastronomic treasures allows people to feel more connected through food and culture.

Furthermore, let’s consider a common everyday occurrence in the preparation of an exquisite dish, in which the chef must:

  • go through a process of examining the original recipe
  • explore the ingredients needed to create it
  • explain the cooking method

These situations could naturally result in some problems for the establishment, which seeks to provide an exceptional experience.

When using a foreign analogy, this process would not go as smoothly as expected, and essential details could get lost in translation.

That is precisely where food translation services are needed to step in and take over to ensure an optimal experience resulting in 100% satisfaction.

specialized gastronomic translation

If there is one experience people don’t want to miss, that is a gastronomic experience.

Due to its specialized nature, language is key to ensuring that nothing is lost in translation.

Food terminology can be demanding and detailed, as it pays close attention to the following items:

  • ingredients
  • production
  • varied recipes
  • ever-changing trends

It’s essential not only to understand and express the terminology but the underlying concept as well.

For example, suppose a customer orders something at a restaurant and is served something completely different. In that case, it has the potential to reflect poorly on the business due to a simple translation error.

This common situation could easily be avoided if more emphasis was placed on a good food translation.

More and more companies are recognizing the need for food translations in their everyday business operations and turning to translation companies like SIGNEWORDS to bridge the gap.

These are some standard gastronomic translations:

Restaurant Menu Translation

Ensuring that your customer has a complete understanding of the menu as soon as they sit down at the table creates an unforgettable experience they will live on to tell for a long time.

A restaurant’s reputation is crucial in today’s world of online reviews and social media posts.

Correct translation guarantees a good connection between your business and the customer.

Content marketing translation applied to gastronomy

Content marketing has taken over the marketing world, from blog posts to social media campaigns, and is essential for your business.

People turn to online content to build trust in the represented brand or product.

To reach a broader audience, a correct translation of content that promotes your business in the most favorable light possible will enhance your online presence and have the potential to reach the masses.

Recipes and cookbooks gastronomic translation

The world is obsessed with those little hidden secrets behind the most outstanding chefs and establishments.

Indeed, there are secrets worth sharing, as the booming business of cookbooks and authentic recipes is known to be profitable when revealed correctly.

Allowing translation to reach an international audience that sparks people’s curiosity worldwide can bring significant value to your creations.

SIGNEWORDS contribution to the gastronomic translation

The gastronomic translations involve a great deal of research and highly qualified professionals.

At SIGNEWORDS, we are well-equipped to meet the needs of your customers and followers. We are here to represent your business in the best way possible.

Maria Rotger and her team assist gastronomic establishments in building an impeccable reputation that serves value to your target audiences worldwide.

We work with restaurants, hotels, and other gastronomic-related businesses that ensure their company is in good hands.

We help to bridge the gap between language barriers and common misconceptions by understanding the mission and vision of your business and representing a stellar image for potential customers from around the world.

Gastronomy represents more than just food and beverages—it provides outsiders with an inside glimpse into the culture as a whole.

to fulfill a gastronomical translation with a seasoned translator—we've got you covered.