by Maria Rotger


Media Language Consultancy

Translation service

Companies, institutions, and professionals in contact with the audience need media language consultancy services, both verbal and written.

That’s why media language consultancy is one of SIGNEWORDS’ most genuine services.

I provide media language consultancy both in spoken and written areas

When sharing your productions and creations, you want to ensure you express yourself correctly and carefully.

This need implies that even within any other service we provide and related to our linguist souls, there appears an element of consultancy for direct clients or the general public.

Gastronomical translation service

Find here a list of additional actions

Editing, correcting, and revising texts to be read or spoken aloud.

Meetings and presentations reviewing and drafting.

Speeches checking and setting up.

Comprehensive language accuracy for the media: television, radio, written press, and online media.

Assessment of performances by representatives of the company, entity, or institution.

Control of spoken and written progress of the professionals involved.

Creation of reports for consultation and study by different professionals that may need to use them in the future.

Review of internal consistency concerning the use of appropriate registers and styles for each sector.

Adaptation to current style manuals and creation of corporate style manuals.

Training of professionals that use our service.

Control and improvement of diction, in the case of oral media.

With the SIGNEWORDS backing, you’ll be sure that the language applied to each professional field will always be the most suitable for that situation and that you’re using it appropriately.

  • You’ll rest assured that your image will be well protected and that you offer the most competent and expert representation.

  • We take care that your broadcast content is correct and adapts to your verbal and written communications.

  •  We’ll consequently advise you on how to be well aware of the performance of language in communication.

Gastronomical translation services